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The family of GLADYS TURNER uploaded a photo
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
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Marilyn Stanley McKellips posted a condolence
Friday, September 6, 2019
Obviously, I meant 1994! So many memories have come floodng back.
Marilyn Stanley McKellips posted a condolence
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Raeene, wish I was up to it. As a neighbor teen I babysat Craig and Robyn from birth until the Gastmans moved to Sacramento. I last saw Gladys in 2003 or so. In 1944 we drove out to a work site of Craigs. We did exchange an email or two, but busy and time got away from us. My condolences to the family. Have so many good memories of Gladys and Buzz.
Sylvia Coleman posted a condolence
Monday, August 19, 2019
My, my, my... what a wonderful dear heart Gladys was. She and I were introduced by a mutual friend way back in 2016. For years, every time anyone said anything about being "old", I retorted..."Well, I won't be old until I'm 93, and then, I'll think about it for 40 seconds--and well, no, no... I won't be old."
So, God send Gladys into my life to give me hope for 93-ism and an example of a just how wonderful being 93 can be. What a very special gift from the Lord.
I was the "computer guru" that she needed. I had to watch her carefully, because we would be rummaging around her hard drive and if she saw a file that didn't suit her, she would say..."Delete that!" Yikes. It took a lot to convince her to let it be. We worked on a website and real estate. It was hard to keep up with her.
Shopping for "a couple" of things turned into expeditions--really! Have you ever walked around Walmart for 3 hours shopping. Well, we did. :)
Gladys was full of joy, energy--do you bake cookies from scratch at 2am? And her mind was as sharp as it was when she was 40. Always ready to laugh and joke around--we had so much fun together. Her determination was inspiring... she was unstoppable.
It was a privilege and a joy to have been her friend.
And a couple of days before she passed--we talked all about heaven and it's glory and we made plans. So, we'll just continue our adventure together in the presence of God. Amen.
--Her friend, Sylvia Coleman
Ranel Larsen posted a condolence
Monday, July 22, 2019
Grandma, we will miss you and your warm personality so much! We are so blessed to have had you in our lives and will cherish all the memories we have created over the years! We love you!
Ranel Larsen posted a condolence
Monday, July 22, 2019
Dear family and friends, please feel free to share pictures, stories and thoughts of Gladys for everyone to enjoy.
Raelene posted a condolence
Monday, July 22, 2019
Hope you can all join us to honor our sweet wonderful mom on Sept 28th, we miss her so much already